An Enviable Project

Written by Out of The Blue on November 17th, 2008

Welcome to the blog for the new groundbreaking documentary that will examine the causes and consequences of the most corrosive human emotion:  ENVY. 
This bold, insightful, humorous feature documentary by Peabody & Emmy winning filmmaker Barbara Rick will use original and unique devices to tell the story of humanity’s struggle with this primal and destructive force of human nature.

Help us tell the story of ENVY!  Contribute your stories, ideas, artwork, video, music, poetry or other reflections on this rich and sweeping topic for possible inclusion in the film.  Post your ideas right here or contact us in private at:

Out of The Blue Films, Inc.
799 Broadway Suite 609
New York, NY 10003
(212) 477-2211


1 Comments so far ↓

  1. You’re So Skinny, I Hate You

    I cannot tell you how often I have heard those words. Sometimes directed at me, sometimes to colleagues, friends or clients. How does the person speaking those words even begin to think they are a compliment? I hate you is NEVER a compliment. But the true basis of this remark, is of course, envy. It is envy and it is fear. Why did weight become the thing to hate or envy? It is mind boggling to me.

    As a Body Image Mentor, I am privileged to guide others out of the prison that eating disorders, food addiction, obesity and poor body image build. As a person, I am privileged to have been on BOTH sides of that prison cell. I was an overweight kid, an overweight teen, and an overweight adult. After losing over 100 pounds in my twenties, I have created a life dedicated to health, fitness and building JOY around those things. No Shame. No Blame. No Envy.

    A discussion about envy has been long overdue – and why we don’t inspire and encourage one another instead.

    I look forward to a long and vibrant discussion here.

    Sincerely, Laura Fenamore, CPCC, Body Image Mastery Mentor
    415 464 1234