Wisconsin and the Politics of ENVY by Mike Lux

Written by Barbara on February 22nd, 2011

Great article from HuffPo and the author of The Progressive Revolution: How the Best in America Came to Be

Mike Lux writes:

Wisconsin-Protests“Conservatives love to write off progressive populism as “the politics of envy,” saying we envy the rich instead of recognizing them for being the hardworking entrepreneurs they are. Given that, the current conservative exercise of attacking public employees for getting pensions, decent health care coverage, and occasional salary increases is irony on a scale rarely seen. Republicans and conservatives’ basic argument is that since private-sector workers have been so thoroughly screwed on wages, health care, and retirement plans in recent decades, those same workers should be mad that teachers and cops and social workers have gotten a little more economic security than they have. If that ain’t the politics of envy, I don’t know what is.

Read the full post here


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