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Do you ENVY her?

Friday, January 21st, 2011

Interesting post on from an escort who writes: To all the girls who ENVY my life…

To all the girls who envy my life


“There’s something profoundly human about wanting to be sexually valued, and it transcends genders. More than one young man has told me he envies my life, too. I suspect these young men are hinting at the same longing for affirmation as the young women who e-mail me. We all want to know that we matter, and being paid is one way of knowing we have value. It may be inelegant and often impersonal, but because money is quantifiable, its message is indisputable. Where do you go for reassurance if you doubt your physical and sexual desirability? Talk is cheap, so you take cash instead.”

Read the full article “Escort Girl Life” at