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ENVY Eats You Up…

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

“Envy eats you up, from the inside out”


Chilling words from “Finding Melissa.”  This beautifully written blog post that Julia came across reminds us why it is so important to explore ENVY and its consequences.  How many lives can be healed, reclaimed, and transformed by delving into the depths and bringing light to the darker sides of our human nature?

[Photo by Barbara Rick]

Congratulations from ENVY Ed

Monday, December 21st, 2009

Congrats from ENVY Ed

From Matt Hoverman, whose participation in ENVY the documentary inspired him to create the magnificent ENVY Ed:

As a playwright, I’ve always been attracted to myth and archetype.  As an actor, I’ve always loved mask work and commedia. And as a 41 year old adolescent, I’m a big fan of comic books.  What these imaginative strains all share is the opportunity to externalize, personify and comically exaggerate a human tendency or character defect.

I know I have many of these little characters in me, and most aren’t pretty.  I picture the envious side of myself as a squat, bilious, unhappy little creature (named ENVY Ed) – who carries in his sallow little heart what John Lithgow once said, “It’s not enough for you to succeed- your best friends must fail.”

That part of me is forever dwelling on the unearned glories of others and his own unlucky misfortunes, and though he can fake a smile at someone else’s success, he’s always got a sharp knife waiting behind his back.  I find that fighting a part of myself like that only makes him grow.  But when I find a way to lovingly laugh at his absurdity, his power over me fades.

Amazing, Matt.  Thank you!

ENVY through the eyes of a child

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

One thing Team ENVY has learned so far is that everyone has a story about how ENVY has affected their lives and relationships.  And it isn’t just limited to adults either…


The creation of ENVY the documentary recently led us to a local elementary school where we spent some quality time with a third grade class.  The kids provided us with some great insight and priceless reactions.

We love this drawing and essay by one of our third grade artists, who was able to capture honestly what so many of us often feel but are afraid to express.

We’ll be sharing more of these wonderful pieces soon!

ENVY in a Photo

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

Bright Star Trees

How does one show ENVY, visually?  It’s a rich question as we continue on with the ENVY project.  Right now, we’re seeking visual inspiration for ENVY.

Recently came across Jane Campion’s “Bright Star” Scrapbook.

We especially love this photo. Simple, but tremendously haunting and great visual analogy for ENVY. We’d love to hear your thoughts and comments!

-Team ENVY

Envy Ed

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009
Drawing by Matt Hoverman

Drawing by Matt Hoverman

Check out this envious little character drawing by our dear friend & talented playwright, the one-of-a-kind Matt Hoverman.

Matt is one of our valued consultant/advisors on ENVY the documentary (more about that in a later post) and the genius behind our hilarious tagline:

“The move you wish YOU made.”

Nice to have friends in the write places!